Using the Library (

To use the library for the first time in a given environment, complete this quick procedure:

  1. Download AppView.
  2. Decide on a APPVIEW_HOME directory, i.e., the directory from which AppView should run in your environment.
  3. Set APPVIEW_HOME to the desired directory.

    ubuntu@my_hostname:~/someuser/temp$ export APPVIEW_HOME=/opt/appview
  4. Create the APPVIEW_HOME directory. (Here, sudo is required because opt is owned by root.)

    ubuntu@my_hostname:~/someuser/temp$ sudo mkdir $APPVIEW_HOME
  5. Extract (appview extract) the contents of the AppView binary into the APPVIEW_HOME directory.

    ubuntu@my_hostname:~/someuser/temp$ sudo ./appview extract $APPVIEW_HOME
    Successfully extracted to /opt/appview.
  6. Verify that APPVIEW_HOME contains the AppView library ( and the config file (appview.yml).

    ubuntu@my_hostname:~/someuser/temp$ ls -al $APPVIEW_HOME
    total 20528
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 Jul 11 22:51 .
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root     4096 Jul 11 22:51 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  9663240 Jul 11 22:51
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    35755 Jul 11 22:51 appview.yml

Now you are ready to configure AppView to instrument any application and output data to any existing tool via simple TCP protocols.

Depending on your use case and preferred way of working, this usually entails editing appview.yml, and then setting environment variables while invoking the library.

How the library is loaded depends on the type of executable. A dynamic loader can preload the library (where supported), while AppView can load static executables. Regardless of how the library is loaded, you get full control of the data source, formats, and transports.

The Config File

For the default settings in the sample appview.yml configuration file, see Config File, or inspect the most-recent file on GitHub.

To see the config file with comments omitted, run the following command:

egrep -v '^ *#.*$' appview.yml | sed '/^$/d' >appview-minimal.yml

This can help you get a clear idea of exactly how AppView is configured, assuming you have previously read and understood the comments.

Using the Library Directly

To use the library directly, you rely on the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.

The following examples provide an overview of this way of working with the library. All the examples call the system-level ps command, just to show how the syntax works.

For more, check out the Further Examples, which include both CLI and library use cases.

LD_PRELOAD with a Single Command

Start with this basic example:

LD_PRELOAD=./ ps -ef

This executes the command ps -ef. But first, the OS's loader loads the AppView library, as part of loading and linking the ps executable.

Details of the ps application's execution are emitted to the configured transport, in the configured format. For configuration details, see Env Vars and the Config File above.

LD_PRELOAD with Verbosity Specified


This again executes the ps command using the AppView library. But it also defines the verbosity for metric extraction as level 5. (This verbosity setting overrides any config-file setting, as well as the default value.)

LD_PRELOAD with a Config File

LD_PRELOAD=./ APPVIEW_HOME=/etc/appview ps -ef

This again executes the ps command using the AppView library. But it also directs the library to use the config file /etc/appview/appview.yml.

LD_PRELOAD with a TCP Connection

LD_PRELOAD=./ APPVIEW_EVENT_DEST=tcp://localhost:9999 APPVIEW_CRIBL_ENABLE=false ps -ef

This again executes the ps command using the AppView library. But here, we also specify that events (as opposed to metrics) will be sent over a TCP connection to localhost, using port 9999. (This event destination setting overrides any config-file setting, as well as the default value.)

Adding AppView to a systemd (boot-time) Service

In this example, we'll add AppView to the httpd service, described by an httpd.service file which contains an EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/httpd entry.

  1. Extract the library to a new directory (/opt/appview in this example):
mkdir /opt/appview && cd /opt/appview
curl -Lo appview
curl -Ls | md5sum -c
chmod +x appview
./appview extract .

The result will be that the system uses /opt/appview/appview.yml to configure

  1. Add an LD_PRELOAD environment variable to the systemd config file.

In the httpd.service file, edit the /etc/sysconfig/httpd entry to include the following environment variables:


Deploying the Library in an AWS Lambda Function

You can interpose the library into an AWS Lambda function as a Lambda layer. By default, Lambda functions use lib as their LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which makes loading AppView easy.

Assuming that you have created one or more AWS Lambda functions, all you need to do is add the Lambda layer, then set environment variables for the Lambda function.

Adding an AppView AWS Lambda Layer

  1. Start with one of the AWS Lambda Layers for AppView that we provide. You can obtain the AWS Lambda Layers and their MD5 checksums from the GitHub releases page.

  2. Complete the procedure for creating a layer described in the AWS docs, uploading your AppView AWS Lambda Layer ZIP file in the upload your layer code step, and choosing x86_64 or ARM64, as appropriate, for Compatible architectures.
  3. After you click Create, note the Version ARN shown for your newly-created layer.
  4. Navigate to Lambda > Layers > Add layer, and in the Choose a layer section, select Specify an ARN.
  5. Enter your layer's ARN, click Verify, and then click Add.

Setting the Lambda Function's Environment Variables

The AWS docs explain how to set environmental variables for Lambda functions. You'll need to enter the following AppView environment variable settings in the AWS UI.

  1. LD_PRELOAD gets your Lambda function working with AppView.

  2. APPVIEW_EXEC_PATH is required for static executables (like the Go runtime).

    • APPVIEW_EXEC_PATH=/opt/appview/appview
  3. To tell AppView where to deliver events, the required environment variable depends on your desired Data Routing.

    • For example, APPVIEW_CRIBL_CLOUD is required for an AppView Source in a Cribl.Cloud-managed instance of Cribl Stream. (Substitute your host and port values for the placeholders.)
    • APPVIEW_CRIBL_CLOUD=tcp://<host>:<port>
  4. Optionally, set additional environment variables as desired.

    • For example, APPVIEW_CONF_PATH ensures that your Lambda function uses AppView with the correct config file. (Edit the path if yours is different.)
    • APPVIEW_CONF_PATH=/opt/appview/appview.yml