Instrumenting an Application

There are many ways to load AppView into your applications or services. Find below some examples to get you started.

Ad Hoc Instrumentation

AppView a New Process

appview curl  # Run a curl command, with AppView loaded 
appview events        # View events from the most recent session
appview metrics       # View metrics from the most recent session
appview flows         # View network flows from the most recent session

Pro Tip: Use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to load the library into a new process without using the CLI.

AppView an Existing Process

top &               # Start top in the background (or in another terminal)
appview attach top  # Attach to the top process by name (or by pid: `pidof top`)
appview events -f   # View, and follow, events from the most recent session
appview metrics     # View metrics from the most recent session
appview flows       # View network flows from the most recent session
appview detach top  # Detach from the top process (if desired)

Pro Tip: It's also possible to View an application running inside a Docker container, from the host.

Automating AppView

AppView a System Service

sudo systemctl stop nginx   # We will use nginx as an example. Stop nginx
appview service nginx       # Configure the nginx service to load AppView
sudo systemctl start nginx  # Restart the nginx service

AppView a Group of Processes

Use a global ruleset to automatically load AppView into processes that match the rule. Existing processes will be attached to instantly, and new processes will load AppView.

appview rules --add nginx                  # Add nginx to the list of processes to load AppView
# appview rules --add nginx < appview.yml  # Optionally provide a config
appview rules --add java --arg myServer    # Add java myServer to the list of processes to load AppView
appview rules --add firefox                # Add firefox to the list of processes to load AppView
appview rules --remove firefox             # Remove firefox from the list of processes to load AppView
appview rules                              # View the current global rule set