Instrument, Observe, Secure

AppView provides application-centric instrumentation and data collection. With one instrumentation approach for all runtimes, AppView offers ubiquitous, unified instrumentation of any unmodified Linux executable for single-user troubleshooting or distributed deployments.


AppView Any Linux Command


Use the simple command line to easily instrument and inspect any application or Linux command, regardless of runtime, including Go binaries. There’s no need for any code modification, or a man in the middle proxy. It’s like strace meets tcpdump, but with readily consumable output. You can even attach to already-running applications.


Send application information, wire and log data, and performance metrics to existing log analytics and metrics tooling. For quick results, visualize with our terminal dashboard. AppView collects StatsD-style metrics about applications and structured, wide events events for file access, DNS, and network activity. AppView even looks inside encrypted payloads for service mesh-like visibility into applications without proxying traffic.


Secure your applications by providing allow and deny lists for network and file resources. Generate slack notifications when certain resources are accessed or MITRE attack techniques are detected. Create a report on your application's activity to learn about it's behavior, or generate a footprint for later comparison.

Why AppView?


AppView is language agnostic and completely userland; works with any application; scales from the CLI to production

No New Tools

Send AppView data to any existing monitoring tool, timeseries database, or log tool


Extends APM reach into every application, for free

How It Works

AppView consists of a shared library and an executable. In simple terms, you load the library into the address space of a process. With the library loaded, details are extracted from applications as they execute. The executable provides a command line interface (CLI), which can optionally be used to control which processes are interposed, what data is extracted, and how to view and interact with the results.


Want to Contribute?

We’re proud to make AppView available as open source under the Apache Software License v2.0. You can join the AppView development effort by contributing code and documentation on Github, and by joining our Slack community.